Tube preamp for under $3000

I am looking for some suggestions for a tube pre to mate with my Pass 250.5 amp and Ascendo C8 Renaissance speakers. I would like it to lean toward the tube sound side. Any suggestions?
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Showing 3 responses by sbank

If you mean a warm, more forgiving tonal balance, then I think something from Conrad Johnson Premier series has to be in the mix. Perhaps others can compare models.

Also, rolling tubes will help you fine tune according to preference so something with common tubes 12AX7, 12AU7 or 6922/6DJ8 would allow plenty of tube choices after purchase. Cheers,
I've got a VK51SE and am impressed with its sound, build quality and ergonomic design. Honestly I never prioritized remote, but having full control with a quality hefty remote is a plus I can't deny.

Having paired it with lots of gear and compared it to many preamps, it's hard to beat at current price. You can see all the other preamps I've owned listed on my system page, some of which are mentioned in this thread. Feel free to contact me by PM if you'd like more specifics. Cheers,
"BAT is the worst sounding......Dry, unemotional, and very forgettable highs. On the other hand (and I'm speaking of the 6H30 based BAT's) "

Funny, that is exactly the opposite of the feedback I've received from many members of my local audio club. Paired with a van den Hul Colibri/VPI, Lamm amps, Nola speakers I've been told that treble (e.g. solo violin) is some of the most lifelike many've heard.

The point is so many of these conclusions need to be taken in the context of the system. In most systems I've heard the BAT preamps would err towards the darker, slightly warmer sound hence being a good match with neutral transparent gear like the Colibri. YMMV Cheers,