Tube Preamp for Pass XA25 under $3,000

As the title says, I am looking for a Tube Preamp under $3,000 for my office system, which is my main listening space. I just do streaming (Roon/Tidal straight out of high end PC, ie no streamer, into Matrix Audio DAC) and currently have a Schiit Freya plus, new to me Pass Labs XA25 that I love, and Harbeth P3esr in nearfield (four feet). Broad range of music, from acoustic/vocals/americana and jazz to livelier funk and rock at moderate levels.

I like my system, but feel the Freya may be the weak link. I am happy with the sq of the mellower stuff, but the more challenging funk and rock can get a bit muddled in the lower range. I am mostly leaning toward tube preamp, but might consider Pass Labs ss preamp if I can find one that won’t blow my budget. Primarily looking for used gear for the savings. Balanced input is a bonus.

So I am looking at the following that is currently available and under budget roughly in order of preference:

LTA Microzotl Preamp (not headphone amp)

Modwright LS 100 Tube Preamp

Conrad Johnson ET3SE

Prima Luna Dialogue Premium Preamp

new Don Sachs Line Stage Preamp (appears that most used ones available have caps for tube amps, so would probably have to go new here)

Pass Labs xp 10 (none that I can find online now, so that will be a wait and see)

Pass Labs xp 12 (really beyond my budget but might go for it if a good deal arises)

Forget the preamp and invest in streamer

So would like to know if anyone has experience with any of the above preamps with a XA25, or just any general thoughts on which might be best for my situation. Thanks in advance.


Showing 2 responses by mulveling

If you can find a used Rogue Athena, it should be well under $3K and it does NOT get embarrassed next to much more expensive ARC Reference 6 or VAC Renaissance V preamps. Low end is solid clean fast and powerful (a hallmark of 6H30 tubes); it really thrives with rock / pop / metal. Full balanced I/O with SE conversion handled by transformers. I like it much better than their current RP series preamps. I still keep an Athena around for backup here.

I just don't like 6SN7 in preamps, for various reasons (I like them in amps). I don't like 12AU7 at all, in any slot. 12AX7 and 12AT7 have too much gain for that role. 6H30 and 6922 are simply great preamp tubes. 


The UltraVerve has a very unusual configuration! I was not familiar with its 6AH4 tubes (use as cathode followers), but apparently each one is a single section of a 6BX7, which I do have experience with - as the OTL follower outputs on a tube headphone amp.

Used to drive headphones, the 6BX7 is a vastly more powerful than (and preferred over) 6SN7. Used in a preamp, its power advantages might be largely mitigated, but I bet it still imparts an incredible slam and weightiness to the sound. Super interesting choice of tubes on this preamp, with a lot of potential. I just wonder why a pair of 6AH4 was chosen over a single 6BX7?

It also features the more traditional 6SN7 for its input / gain slot. And this should afford the sweet tone and airiness of that tube type, along with endless rolling possibilities. Super interesting preamp!