Tube pre w/ HT bypass?

Hey guys - looking to bump my 2 channel. Had a really nice Gold Note streamer/dac, but it didn't sound MUCH different than without it. So, I'm looking to make a bigger jump. I ordered an Anthem STR to try out through Crutchfield. Looking for a tube pre w/ HT bypass. I don't want Prima Luna, and Mac 2600 is too pricey. I know tubes are warm and smooth, it might sound nice paired w/ my Anthem AVM 70. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks!

Using all JTR speakers, w/ Rythmik subs (JTR subs coming soon though). I use Tidal and Qobuz
What's your budget?  I have a Modwright LS 100 and while I've changed many components since I've owned it, I've had zero thoughts about replacing it.  It's more of a detailed and neutral sound than "warm and smooth".  If that's what you're looking for, it might not be the right piece.  It responds nicely to tube rolling, but isn't really "tubey" sounding.
@big_greg not sure yet. wanted to stay like $3k and under for now...dont mind buying used. its my first time trying this, so don't wanna go "all out". will look up the modwright

Look for a Sonic Frontiers Line-1, or Line-2, or Line-3.  Oldie but gooooodie!  I have a Line-2 that I use in my HT hybrid system just for this feature.