tube pre suggestion

Hi Everyone,

I'm currently running an all nuforce system with the P8 preamp and the ref 9SE (currently v1, soon to be v2) amps. I have this hooked to Thiel PCS speakers.

I'd like to dump the nuforce pre and try something else. I've heard that a tubed pre is the way to go with my amps...a buddy of mine who I trust heard the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE with the nuforce amps and said it was incredible.

I'm new to experimenting with preamps--my other system has a Krell integrated so I've never needed to play with in this area. Any suggestions on where to start? My budget is $1500-$2k, and I'm thinking used market exclusively to maximize my value.

Comments from the Audiogon Gurus are appreciated!

Showing 1 response by mitch2

Mute or Balance features are common on preamps costing $3000+
my preamp has neither, but I can't imagine trading it since I get everything I wanted from all the tube preamps I tried, plus stone dead quietness, and no tubes to mess with. It is a Tom Evans Vibe & Pulse.

If you need the tubes, the best I have owned in my system are a fully decked out AtmaSphere MP3 and a VTL 5.5, both of which I thought bettered the highly rated Calypso and SF Line 3SE. I would also like to try Joule-Electra. All of these range from the top of your budget to about 50% higher. Good luck.