Tube pre/SS amp to replace Plinius 8200 integrated

Hi everyone,

I'm contemplating replacing my integrated with a tube preamp and SS amp. Can anyone make any recommendations? Looking for the typical warmth, harmonics, air, etc. for mostly jazz, classic rock and classic alternative. My particulars are listed under "system." Any input is greatly appreciated. I'd like to purchase used and keep the budget under $4k combined. After this, I figure I'll work on speakers. I say that because my wife likes the soliloquys more than the other options I considered (also listed under "system.") Thanks!

Showing 1 response by pcs

I suggest you combine a conrad johnson tube pre (premier 17ls have been steals recently) and a Marantz SM 11s1 amp. They match ok physically and are sonically beautiful together. The Marantz would be more than enough power for your soliloquy's. If you change speakers,you can later add a second SM 11 and run them as mono blocks which is what I do for my B&W N802's.

Just my two cents worth. I have tried going back to all ss but keep returning to tube pre's with ss amps.
