tube pre & ss amp integrated

Been tooling around youtube , I know but what else is there now ? Very cautious !

Wife has fallen for  Mcintosh MA352 . I must have  tubes some place in there , she likes ss, seems to be the best of both worlds  for us . 

I am wondering what would compete with mac soundwise?

Will be using Klipsch Forte 4's with it .

Thank you and be safe.


Showing 5 responses by saki70

Well , thanks for the suggestions !

I realize that I don't need 200 watts of power ,it's the sound .

ditusa ; I have considered that but prefer the extra knobs on the front...

easier when having senior moments don'tcha know !

We have tried the class 'A' thing and it didn't work for us.

The only hybrids that I know of are from Rogue and Primaluna . Both of 

which have the 'new' tube sound that does not work either .I don't want to role dozens of tubes again as with my Primaluna trying to get the classic sound .

Any other suggestions ?


ditusa ; the vinni rossi is a bit too much for us , but thanks 

curiousjim ; a bluesound node into a yamaha integrated . This is a simple living room system for everyday use.

We will check out the Aestheics, Pathos and Vincent suggestions in a bit.

Thank you

Wow ! Lots of things to check out . Thanks.

Checked the Pathos today . That is a nice piece although we don't think that it is quite as musical as the mac. But at half the price it could work as a holdover until the macs get going again.

The Aesthetix was nice too but maybe just a touch behind the Pathos. A bit less musical.

Off to the races.



   Now that one seems a little tough to hear .Good reputation though !

Thank you. 

In listening to some of the Pathos gear ...does anyone notice a mild midrange recess ? It seems to be a trait .