Tube Pre for Digital Amp

I have a Carver Pro Class "t" digital amp and am wondering if anyone out there is using tubes in front, for their Bel Canto, HCA-2, Spectron amps? thanks...

Showing 2 responses by shamburg

Agree with the estimable Mr. Rubinson. My tubed SF Line 3 and bridged eVo2's make beautiful music together.
Hey Voodoochile:

Good question. Personally, I've always favored tubed pre-amps for what they deliver in terms of spatiality and bloom. Coupled with a detailed, fast, and muscular amplifier like the eVos–and you get sounds that's detailed and smooth with being etched.

But: I've heard the Bel Canto PRE (which is solid state) makes a great match with the eVos.