Tube Pre-Amp, vs Solid State with Tone Controls/EQ to take edge off the top end?


Really dig my current speaker set-up, they do 90% of what I want at a reasonable price.   (leaving brand out of here so as to not go off track).  

Using a Pass Labs 250.8, and really like it.  Trading out for a lower priced amp immediately gave me a smaller soundstage.  I believe Nelson voices his amps to have a bit of tube like sound but while keeping a solid low end.

Using a Pass XP-12 pre-amp, it's a great piece.  Does what it does really well.

But... I'd like to ever so slightly de-tune the top end on my speaker.  Just take it down a slight bit (usually only when above 90db).

Thoughts on trying a pre-amp with tone controls or an EQ, vs a tube pre-amp? (or a big integrated amp even)

Just looking for others thoughts. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by toddcowles

@almarg for the win!  I was reading through this post, thinking a DEQX would solve this.  I too faced the same issues with “awkward” high end frequencies, too bright, but not consistent.  I say “awkward,” because the high end wasn’t consistent on every type of music I listened to.  Sometimes it would be inline with the overall track and other’s it would sound “excited” and cut through the rest of the music.  Sometimes it wouldn’t be enough.  I thought, ok, it’s got to be the room.  Had GIK Acoustics build a room treatment setup, based upon my room dimensions and outputs from REW (Room EQ Wizard), which helped, but there were still some weird high frequencies popping through.  I toed the speakers in, moved them away from the walls, spent a couple months monkeying around with placement.  Then thought, must be the tubes in my preamp.  Bought NOS Mullard’s, frequencies still there.  Additionally, I had an entire Shunyata setup, power cables and conditioning, then someone recommended a DEQX.  Solved.  And when I say solved, I mean, it elevated the entire musicality of the system.  They are pricey, but can be had on the second hand market and there are folks on here that really know how to squeeze the most out of a DEQX.  

Best of luck in addressing it.