Tube Pre-Amp, vs Solid State with Tone Controls/EQ to take edge off the top end?


Really dig my current speaker set-up, they do 90% of what I want at a reasonable price.   (leaving brand out of here so as to not go off track).  

Using a Pass Labs 250.8, and really like it.  Trading out for a lower priced amp immediately gave me a smaller soundstage.  I believe Nelson voices his amps to have a bit of tube like sound but while keeping a solid low end.

Using a Pass XP-12 pre-amp, it's a great piece.  Does what it does really well.

But... I'd like to ever so slightly de-tune the top end on my speaker.  Just take it down a slight bit (usually only when above 90db).

Thoughts on trying a pre-amp with tone controls or an EQ, vs a tube pre-amp? (or a big integrated amp even)

Just looking for others thoughts. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by buellrider97

Hi , I purchased a Schiit Loki 2 weeks ago . Not a perfect solution , but very versital and worth buying . Running a Rogue RP-1 with Telefunken G-73R ( 12AU7’s). Switched out my Had Inspire for some heavily modded Dynakit MK III’s . Tone was hollow and lacked bass . Tried 4 different speakers and even tried NOS GEC KT-88’s . Sounded like crap . On a whim I took a vintage Marantz 2226 and used it for a pre with tone controls . Huge difference ! Hum and hiss decreased dramatically. Hollow tone went away .  So I purchased a Loki . Went back to the Rogue . So Schiit Yiggy to Loki to Rogue to Dynakits . Works great . You’ll need an extra pair of Interconnects of equal quality to what you already have . As far as SS to Tubes or visa versa , I prefer SS pre to tube amp , YMMV.  So I am considering trying a Schiit Freya now . Also when I run high efficiency speakers the hiss is not present with the SS pre . I also don’t feel that I’m loosing any of the tube magic , even with a pair of 12AU7’s that fetch $400 each at Tube Depot ( mine were sourced somewhere else for much less ). If I ran a Mac , I would consider Amarro software for its digital tone prosser . But try the Loki , you’ll probably keep it as I did . Happy Listening , Mike.