Tube Pre-Amp, vs Solid State with Tone Controls/EQ to take edge off the top end?


Really dig my current speaker set-up, they do 90% of what I want at a reasonable price.   (leaving brand out of here so as to not go off track).  

Using a Pass Labs 250.8, and really like it.  Trading out for a lower priced amp immediately gave me a smaller soundstage.  I believe Nelson voices his amps to have a bit of tube like sound but while keeping a solid low end.

Using a Pass XP-12 pre-amp, it's a great piece.  Does what it does really well.

But... I'd like to ever so slightly de-tune the top end on my speaker.  Just take it down a slight bit (usually only when above 90db).

Thoughts on trying a pre-amp with tone controls or an EQ, vs a tube pre-amp? (or a big integrated amp even)

Just looking for others thoughts. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by 1graber2

Generally speaking, its best to avoid ...
using Tone Controls unless it is a well-reputed high end audio piece. 
Luxman, BAT, etc

I thought Pass made an Integrated 250w amp?

--SimAudio, they make high-end integrated. 
--Rogue Audio, Vincent Audio: both great 
--Quad: came out with a 80wpc (gorgeous) tubed integrated about 8 years ago or so. 
--oh, NAIM! the SuperNait II or maybe they have another high-ender now.
--Pathos are well regarded hybrid tube/ss integrates. Great for most all types of music. But you may want to Bridge their amps, which I've read is the way to go.
Hard to tell since you said you would not reveal the speakers. 

But lets get back to the basics: dirty electricity and distortion.

The lesson learned here is that using cleaner electricity UP FRONT and better POWER CABLES up front that run from the wall into a power isolator (I use a Pole Pig- 8 ports) and/or a conditioner (I use a Shunyata hydra 2port). 
- I heard improvements with every up grade.

**But what really blew me away was my last change:
Changing from a respectable Belden ethernet from Blue Jeans Cable to a Wireworld Starlight into the ethernet renderer.

**After I changed to the Wireworld, all and all grain went way.
The soundstage grew larger, while the musicians came into much better focus, and the PRAT just snapped into place. 
So I cant blame the amp or speakers anymore.