tube pre amp to match Sim audio w-3 or w-5

I have never had a tube pre-amp so I would like some input.
I do not need a phono, but I would like a remote.
I am looking for a tube pre-amp that has some warmth but is also accurate, the pre would be used with a sim audio w-3 or w-5 amp. I do like a "thick" or "dense" soundstage.
i would buying from audiogon (used) and would like to spend a max of 1500
thank you in advance
I have a W-3 and use a Sonic Frontiers Line 3- but it's a bit out of your stated price range. An SFL-2 would be an excellent second choice, and would give you exactly the attributes you mention above- good luck!
fwiw, im using a bottlehead foreplay with my sim audio i-5 integrated. it has really smoothed out, in the best possible way, what the sim delivers. i believe the sim's strength is it's amp, not it's preamp, and the foreplay, as others here have said previously, is a real giant killer. just rolled in some amperex bugle boys and my gosh, what a beautiful sound. anyways, supposedley it's real easy to build, but im lazy and bought mine preassembled. i think there's at least one for sale here for a lot less than you want to spend. might be worth a try.

good luck!
Do try the Sonic Frontiers. I used a SFL-1 for several years with a simaudio 4070. The N.E.W P3[single-ended triodes] was special on the sim also. However N.E.W. is out of business and the pre had no remote. Cary can repair them though, I've heard. Good luck.