Tube Phonostage Causing Rumble and Noises

Hello, I am desperate in need for advices and help.

I have a Aesthetix I/O Eclipse (one power supply) that I acquired new in 2009. It started to make the SVS SB16 Ultra subwoofer rumble a few months ago. I sent it back to Aesthetix, they performed a bunch of upgrades and replaced 4 tubes in gain stage one claiming these would help with the noises. 

When I got it back three months later, the rumble got a bit better but it was still there. Then Aesthetix sent me a new set of tubes claiming there were specially selected and tested for low noise. However, they didn’t eliminate the rumble.

Then I played a record to during the test, the unthinkable happened. When the phonostage is idle, there was just rumble. As soon as a signal was passed from the phono, the sub went crazy, it produced some subsonic noise that made the room shake. I then connected the phono to a tube integrated amp and I heard a loud distorted noise through my LS 3/5A.

The strange thing is that I have no issues using the I/O with my Apogee Fullrange without the sub.

I would appreciate any shape or form of advice/help.

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!


Thanks Davetheoilguy. I thought from your post that the Frog was gone before the Esoteric arrived but of course the Esoteric arm is a different kettle of fish altogether. The Frog is a great cartridge - I owned one for ten years - replaced by a Crimson XGW Stradavarius.

And there is no fault invovled, except the odd acoustics of my room and my tendency to listen at high volume. I suspect any sensitive cartridge would have had feedback.

I’m a very loud listener too. The various problems with feedback and phono stage noise become exponentially worse as we raise volume. It’s vinyl playback on "hard" mode (extra hard if you also use a sub), but worth it. The KAB filter is the easy fix (but not perfect) if you don't feel like doing too much experimentation. 

I was getting noise from my McIntosh MP1100 tubes, turned out to be my router.  A cheap Faraday cloth from Amazon placed on top of the glass on my MP1100 eliminated it all.