Tube phono stage

Can you help me to choose the best tube phono stage for my new system. I have:
VPI Scoutmaster+Dynavector 10x5,Dynavector p-75
Cary Sli-80
ProAc D15
I like jazz and hard rock music.
I will be glad to your suggestions.
Best regards.
I'll assume for the moment you want tube phono sections at reasonable prices. The K&K is a candidate. It's quite good though a little soft. Beautiful tone though. Don't forget to consider the Wright WPP200C. It plays with the big boys at under a Grand, is loaded with tone, and is absent any bloat or slop. The Wright is an objective tube unit, with serious clarity. If you are not absolutely set on a tube phono stage, scour the planet for a used Bel Canto Phono 1. All the tone and aural dimensioning of a tube unit, but less noise and it's a cinch to find room for.

I don't know your budget so here is a variety to consider:

Hagerman Coronet
Hagerman Trumpet (one on Audiogon right now with NOS tunes for $1250 - great price)
Mitch Singerman modified EAR 834
K&K Audio (might have been my choice if I didn't get a great deal on a Hagerman Trumpet)

These are all tube designs which I feel is the better option than solid state. Of course your system and budget may dictate otherwise. I'm sure you'll find many excellent suggestions here and you may also want to do a search of the Analog forum as this question has been posed many times previously with a lot of interesting information being discussed.
Thank you for reply.I have 2 options only: Cary ph302 and EAR 834. But I can't try it with my system. Have you compared these two phono stages?