Tube phono pre amps

Awaiting my Origin Live Resolution TT I recently paid for. The Resolution was $1000 more than I anticipated spending for a tt. This puts me financially in a position to spend no more than approximately $1500:for a phono pre amp. Thinking of a tube phono pre to pair with my Willsenton R8 which I love. Listen to Jazz and classical . Any thoughts ? 
Thank You All.


Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

As always, finding a very good used one will get you more than buying new.

hifishark is a great place to find used equipment

here is ’tube phono’; USA only; sorted by first seen, new first. (to snap something you know you want before someone beats you to it).

after that, I switch to Canada, a lot of good stuff up there.

you can sort by price, and you can put a range of prices, min/max. I do suggest viewing a few hundred over your budget, sometimes a very desirable item pops up

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