Tube or solid state amp or amps?

Looking for amp or amps for Energy Veritas 2.4i

Showing 3 responses by mrtennis

tubes rule, don't be a solid state fool.

get a vintage cj mv75 or mv 125, depending upon power requirements.
solid state is a miserable state. it pierces your ears and gives you audio fears.

be a resistor of the transistor.

solid state is miniaturization without representation.

it's like listening to a bunch of elves play their instruments amongst themmselves.

solid state has a sonic signature, a hardness than won't go away even if you put a tube preamp in front of it.
ok, i was just kidding about miserable state, etc. .

however, i believe that there is a sonic signature associated with solid state components and i have never heard a solid state component having a roll off in the treble region.