I am looking for a really unusual tube. In one of my previous posts I had a couple of audiogon members point out a few good sites and I was able to locate some for sale. My initial problem was not finding any, now I have too many to chose from.

The tube: 6CL8A/6CL8

Brands available: RCA, GE, Sylvania, Tung Sol..etc.. quite a few.

I know nothing about this other than I want the best one possible. I would like one that minimizes microphonics and that sounds like tube heaven, help me out. Thanks a million guys.

Showing 3 responses by johnbrown

"What are you guys talking about?" Tubes are like every other component in the chain-except more so. Virtually every person you ask will have their own opinions, so it's ridiculous to demand to know 'the best'. Do some research, buy a set of tubes, listen to them for weeks, attempt to isolate what you do/don't like about them, do some more research, try another set. Etc. Yes, this process can take a long time. Years even. Fortunately, it's not torture-unlike, say, a crappy, ear-bleed cartridge, tube differences are generally subtle enough that, unless something's horribly wrong, any set will be listenable. It's all about nuance.

And one other piece of advice-drop the dickhead attitude. People are giving their time to try and help you, whether you know it or not.

vaya con dios
'Honestl'-the OP received three fair and reasonable responses to his query, and then immediately jumped on his soapbox to decry the 'type' of response he was getting. Granted, the first three answers did not direct him to an exact model, type or year, but they were legitimate, well intentioned, and perhaps all the advice that the respondents *could* give. But the OP chose to, basically, berate them.

So to answer your question-that's where and why he's getting "...all the attitude". I don't expect ass kissing, but a degree of respect towards people taking their time to help seems like a fair trade.
