Tube Mono-Block Recommendation

Currently I have the Bob Carver 305, Looking to upgrade to something else in the Class A Region. Budget is around 12000 US, New or Used any recommendation.

I like the Amps, to be fast, Accurate and musical as possible. Giving me close to Transistor Amp Clarity but with the magic off tubes.

Showing 22 responses by dragon_vibe

I will be using them to drive the Legacy Audio Whisper.

Was looking fir about 180-200 watts i guess. It will be hooked up to the Midrange and Tweeter Driver as the Speakers have there own Amps to drive the large woofers.
Im not pulling anyone legs. Just got a windfall and like a little child its time to buy some sweets iv longed after so much lol.
The Whisper XD come with a Built in Class D Amplifier I can use for the lower regions. The midrange and Tweeter level will run of the Tube Amps.

I do have the clayton Audio M300 at hand and they are keepers for sure. Just looking for an Alternative to SS amps.

Almarg thanks for the technical info, honestly I have no clue. What would you suggest? Mind you this is for midrange and Tweeter level. The speaker has its class D amp. I could always Bi-amp them using the Clayton Audio for the lower Woofers and the Tubes for the mids and tweets.
I did not find it accurate enough. It is a very good amp and gives plenty of power. They also run pretty cool. No gripes but honestly it was not fast enough or accurate enough and I preferred my Clayton SS more.
Room is pretty dead, Its super loaded with Acoustic Panels and Foam is installed on the Ceiling.

The Size is: 8 Meters by 7 Meters and the height of the room is 3.4 Meters.

I was hoping more like 200 Watts per channel.

The option I am thinking of is:

VAC 300.1 Set in monos or Maybe The Atma MA-2

I don't mind increasing budget don't want to go too crazy. never do end up spending 8 hours a day listening to music to justify something too expensive.

Had a look at Wavac but the amount of watts it pushes out is not enough.
Any recommendation for a 200 Watt Mono Tube Amps. Something that may give me VAC Performance if I don't end up with a VAC.
Class A Watts on the Cary is too low. For controlling all those woofers at high volumes im sure it will lose steam.
Still look for recommendation guys, Tube Mono Block with of 150-250 watts of Class A, Sweet Clean, Clear and emotionally evolving. Speed and Accuracy is important but not too dry. I tend to like it slightly warm and relaxing to listen too with out too much details being robbed.
Atmasphere I did consider OTL but reading online about OTL amps being unreliable, tube eaters, get extremely hot and expensive to maintain is sort of pushing me out and trying to consider something else. Want something more plug and play.
I will research into it. Big Amps they look like Monster trucks. Over 20 tubes Each block :-) I wander how long those tubes will last. everything I have read about Atma has always been positive.

I hate making a decisions specially so when I cant hear all the gear in my own setup.

Speakers are Whisper XD so might need Ralphs expertise to check them out for me to see if they will match well.
I can tell you one thing, I have 100db Danley horns being used for the Theatre room. I find ATI amplifiers excellent in sound and build. Specially when you use the right power cord and fuses. ATI Amplifier are by far the quietest SS amps around. The Bob Carver amps noise floor is extremely quiet. Nearly as good as the ATI. Honestly I would keep it but this whole move and stuff just made me lose my confidence in the company altogether. Bob carver tube amps are prob one of the best around at the current prices.
its sold my bobs. The pre-amp cost more then the Amps and I find the Purity audio bar far the best pre-amp used compared to even VAC when adding pre-amps into the chain. The purity helps to control the amps correctly. When connecting directly the sound is just so thinner and has less body to it. Bass is less controlled.

I did try the MSB DAD Directly to the Bobs, The bobs sounded dark and slow.
OK--Iv made up my mind. Im going for the Atma MA2 Monsters. Seems to be the that's fits my requirements.
I must say after emailing VAC, BAT and a few other companies to me Ralph provides best customer service. Responds super fast. This is another reason why I have gone down the atma route. Im not into super coloured Midrange or slow sounding amplifiers. I hope this is the last Amplifiers I buy.
Still leaves me wandering How the Atma will compare to the David Berning Quads Z Amps. The QuadZOTL seem to run cooler with less Energy consumption, heat and less tubes. Since im from a tropical climate. Still need to consider these as a option. I like the classical looks of the Atma but heat and power as my current deciding factor. Will probably need to research more.
Yes, after speaking again to Ralph. I have decided to go with it and move the AC unit closer to the front of the room pointing downwards over the gear. At the moment the AC unit is located at the back of the room closer to the listener. Heat is the major issue but I will modify the room to accommodate for the amplifiers heat. I live in the tropics so its always hot here. The room temps can be taken down to 18degrees.
Ralph customer service is top class i am very confident in his products and iv not even herd his amp. Which says allot. I will keep you boys updated soon.
Yes I understand this. I would love to see the amps guts. Cant find pictures anywhere on the net.
Beautiful, Rushton if you don't mind me asking what speakers do you use for the Amps? How about Cables?
Im raised it further more lol. 12000 was the ideas but guess I will go for the full whack. After all we only live once.
Not heard art audio, but to be honest im into very fast amplifiers. Most tube amplifiers I have heard always have the slight slow pace to them. Timing is everything and transistors are the masters at time.

Lets see how the MA2 lives up to my Transistors.