Tube Matching ?? Maxi-Matching ??

I have hundreds of 45 tubes I would like to at least put in matched pairs......I am not having mush luck finding out anything about that industry....THANKS

Showing 1 response by dbevolution

Hello to everybody.


I’m from Italy, I have a Company, dBevolution.

I would like to write something about my experience with Maximatcher and the Sales Manager Mr. Peter.

I ordered and paid one Maximatcher and one Maxipreamp on 8 November 2021 (order No. 606).

Today 27 May 2022 (after more than 6 months) I didn’t receive the instruments, Italian customs told me that the attached documentation from the seller was incomplete, The parcel was sent back to the seller MORE than 3 months ago, but Mr. Peter didn’t refund me.

I sent him many email, I wrote him to open a dispute with the carrier (shipment was insured), but he never sent me a refund and I never received the instruments.

I’m going to take a legal action.

So…pay attention before to buy from him