You mention Charles Hansen. Well, I replaced a BAT VK75se (the latest hot rod edition of the VK60) with an Ayre V5x. Tubes are very seductive. I had both amps at the same time and compared them carefully. The BAT had a more forward midrange - I think this is the source of tube amps appeal. Also, becuase tube amps roll off the highs, they cover up the deficiencies of digital source material. The Ayre is less juicy in the midrange. If I liked only vocals and 50's classic jazz all the time, tubes might be what I could settle down with. For me, I like the control and accuracy of the V5x. I listen to a lot of large scale classical. Also, the Ayre is quieter - although the BAT is a VERY quite tube amp. I think the Ayre images better as well. Please note that I still use my BAT VK30SE preamp. And, I think there is something special about the zero feedback designs - tube or SS.
I guess the point I would like to make is that there ARE really good SS amps out there. And SS does some things better than tubes. It is just a matter of where you want to make compromises. And, your front end has to be excellent, or the high frequency extension of SS will take your head off.
I've also heard old Pass (I used to own Aleph 2s), current Pass (X350), and the current Rowland (ICE based) kit. Some older SS gear can sound very harsh. But, I think there are designers out there that are getting it right.
I'll probably buy another tube amp to have around some day. I'd love to hear the Mac amps or the EAR 890!!
I guess the point I would like to make is that there ARE really good SS amps out there. And SS does some things better than tubes. It is just a matter of where you want to make compromises. And, your front end has to be excellent, or the high frequency extension of SS will take your head off.
I've also heard old Pass (I used to own Aleph 2s), current Pass (X350), and the current Rowland (ICE based) kit. Some older SS gear can sound very harsh. But, I think there are designers out there that are getting it right.
I'll probably buy another tube amp to have around some day. I'd love to hear the Mac amps or the EAR 890!!