Tube magic in solid state?

I spent this weekend being absolutely mesmerized by tube magic while listening to a BAT VK-60 on my Quad 989 speakers. Could it be possible that Charles Hansen has achieved the same thing with his zero feedback SS designs, or is this "magic" a soley and inescapably tube thing?

It was impossible to get bored with music this weekend. When I went back to my truly fine Pass Aleph 60 single-ended Class A mono amps, my mind started wandering, not once but several times--until I finally quit listening. These are great amps, but the BAT just changed things, you know what I mean? I don't have any idea how this VK-60 stacks up against other tube amps, but in my system, the gates of heaven opened with tubes on my electrostats. But life would be so much easier if we could find this in a SS amp. Is it possible...?
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Showing 1 response by bluebull

Perhaps the most convenient way is to go for Tube pre and ss or hybrid power.A Hybrid integrated also worth a look.Best of both worlds ?