Tube integrated amp recommendations?

Hi, I'm just getting into this hobby, and like a lot of people I'm starting out with a limited budget. In short, I don't know what I'm doing, so I'm hoping you can give me some guidance. Here's my experience so far. I've heard a bunch of solid state amps (Rega Brio, Arcam A18), a hybrid (Jolida 1501), and a full tube amp (Jolida 302 modified)...I liked the all tube Jolida 302 by far! The hybrid had no high end to speak of, and the others had no soundstage.

I guess I should say that my goal is to have great soundstage because I want to feel like I'm hearing the band right there.

As for speakers, I tested everything on Quad 22L but they were too bassy for me. I was originally decided on getting the Focal JM Labs 807v for their accurate high end and instrument separation, which gave that feeling of being right there in the show, but since they lack midrange...I was won over by Dynaudio's. The excite line as a starter...x12 or x16.

So my questions are these: I can't seem to find a Jolida 302 for under $900 unmodified, so that would be like $1200 modified after I'm done. My alternative is spending $600 on a Cambridge Audio Azur 550 (recommended for the dyn's), which I don't want to do because it doesn't give me that great soundstage. Is there a comparable tube amp I can get for $700-$800?

Also, do you think the tubes would work well with an already warm speaker like the dynaudio? (btw, i live in los angeles, and think i've traveled to every audio specialist in the city to audition...most of whom carry b&w and paradigm which i don't especially like. i don't know if there's anything else available for me to try at this point.)

Thanks for listening, and I appreciate your help.
Cayin A-50t is quite good and should be available around $800 used here on Agon.
Tube amps are normally chosen for a "romantic" high end i.e. smooth and melifluous. The Jolida hybrids also have that type of sound.

I am not sure if you will find a tube amp bright enough for your tastes. Have you considered a solid state amp? They usually sound a lot brighter in the treble.

Also condsider that the Dynaudio (esotar, esotec etc) tweeter if far sweeter and more mellow sounding than the equivalent Focal metal mating Dynaudio with a tube amp may give an overall sound that's too romantic for your tastes.
That's what I'm worried about. Don't know what direction to go, though. I'm thinking of reconsidering the Dynaudios because I'd still like to keep the tube soundstage, but not sure if that's the best decision.
the speakers you are looking at are not very efficient so you need to be careful that any tube amp you get has enough power. if you want to try out tube options, you might want to consider a more efficient speaker.
I have matched a Dynaudio Focus 140 with a Primaluna Prologue One. I like the combination. It's a romantic, sweet (slightly sepia-tinted) combination that still has enough detail to satisfy (me). That's the type of sound I like.