Tube Home Theater PreAmp?

What choices do we have for a tube preamp with DD and DTS home theater preamp? I want the best of both worlds for Home theater and 2 channel stereo vinyl. I know that Cary Audio has a new home theater preamp but I beleive thats all solid state. ANy recomendations?
Help is greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by kjweisner

I think that Fosgate is building an all tube surround pre-amp, but have no first-hand experience.
Sugarbrie makes an excellent point! I have a BAT VK-3i which has a "Unity Gain" setting, whereby it will pass two channels (L/R) directly to the power amp without attenuation or gain. This allows a separate processor to send its L/R signal through my pre-amp to the power amp > speakers. Of course, you would need separate amplification for Center/Surrounds and that amp would get its signal directly from the HT processor.