tube gear vs solid state...cable effectiveness

hi all,

i have a question and im not looking for a debate whether cables make a difference with sound or not. i use semi-high end ($3k and below) cables on my solid state gear (pre,cd,amp,etc.) with exellent results.

i was told by someone who builds tube gear that cables make more of a difference on solid state and are not as effective on tube gear.

i have no experience with tubes but have been thinking of getting into them, and therefore wondering if i should sell some cables off to help fund new tube gear.

your thoughts. thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by rar1

I have found that my tube systems sound different with different cables. My cables cost total per system are probably 1/10 the cost of what you are using, but still I find that copper sounds different than silver, a $150 interconnect sounds different than a $20 interconnect, etc. whether it is tubes or solid state.
