tube gear vs solid state...cable effectiveness

hi all,

i have a question and im not looking for a debate whether cables make a difference with sound or not. i use semi-high end ($3k and below) cables on my solid state gear (pre,cd,amp,etc.) with exellent results.

i was told by someone who builds tube gear that cables make more of a difference on solid state and are not as effective on tube gear.

i have no experience with tubes but have been thinking of getting into them, and therefore wondering if i should sell some cables off to help fund new tube gear.

your thoughts. thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by larryi

Perhaps, wire seems less important to tube equipment owners than solid state owners because the first step taken to tailor the sound of tube gear to one's particular taste and system interactions is to change out tubes.
With solid state gear, there is MUCH less ability to alter the sound so one is often limited to wire substitution. Hence, in that sense wire choice is more critical with solid state gear because there is little other means of fine tuning the sound.