Tube Friendly Speakers

I need a pair of speakers that my 25w per channel monos can handle, one of my audio pet peeves is an underpowered speaker, so I need something that 25 watts can really move, I am trying to keep it under $2000 new, I've thought about trying the Triangle Antal xs but I have no where to audition them, any other recommendations

Showing 2 responses by dekay

You might want to try and audition the Soliloquy 5.3's and the Silverline Sonatina's. Both have kind impedence curves and should give your push/pull amps a break. I listened to them at different dealers, so I cannot really compare the two, but both were very good speakers. The Sonatina sounded very similar to the Sonata (to me anyway), though a larger room would probably widen the gap between them.