Tube DAC or new CD player?

I have a DR6050 marantz CD player/recorder. I enjoy the flexibility of having two decks for random play as well as being able to record CDs. I think it sound bright and edgy at times and would like to see what can I do to get a smoother sound without loosing detail (the strength of the DR6050). I am thinking of a CAL Audio Labs DAC (SIGMA or SIGMAII). The tube output stage is very alluring to me. Please feel free to propose other DAC, tube DAC, CD players etc...... Keep it under $600.
Thanks, Salsero

Showing 1 response by joe_b

I have owned a Cal Sigma.
I currently have 2 Micromega Dacs (2 diff systems).
The Micromega's are smoother and have more "body".
The Cal Sigma had a tiny bit more "air" and a slightly larger soundstage but was not the smoothest dac I have owned. I think the tube does very little.
A tube preamp does more.
The Bel Canto I owned is a little better (more detail, a little more refinement) than the Sigma but not as smooth as the Micromega.
If you want smoothness, try a Micromega. If want this level of smoothness with more detail, try Theta Gen Va but you are going way over your budget.
I have seen Micromegas selling for $300 or less.