Tube DAC Conundrum

I have the Blacknote DAC30 which has 4 tubes in it. I read that digital stuff should be left on for everyday listening, but won't that use up the tube life a lot quicker? I am willing to change the tubes every year if leaving them on all the time will get me that far, but I don't know.

Showing 2 responses by mrtennis

it seems to me that from the comments so far , there is an implied trade-off infavor of optimizing the sonics at the expense of the electricity bill.

in the interet of ecology one should never leave on any component, even though the sound of myour stereo system may not be ideal when you turn it on again, or you will have to wait an hour or two until you realize the best your stereo system can offer.

i think one should be a responsible citizen and save the planet's execessive use of fossil fuels even if it degrades the sound of your stereo system.
i have owned several tube dacs, tube amps and rube preamps.

after a listening session, i turn off all tube components.

tube life may be a factor, but also the possibility that if a tube ceases to function, it may damage other parts of the component.