I have a rare, or hard-to-find, Cary CAD-855 based on the Rotel RCD-855. It is the best player I've had to date, beating out budget DACs. It is warmer and takes off the CD edge sound, but changing 12BH7 tubes and cables helps too. Some CDP I've owned were warm but not that musical to my ears (Roksan/NAD). One thing, I may be biased, but I feel my full tube setup give a more enjoyable sound, though comparable SS equipment in general can reveal more detail. As for mid-bass, my tube CDP has warmer, smoother and fuller vocals, but I cannot say it has a warmer midbass. I would change output tubes for a 'fatter' midbass such as my JJ KT88.
Tube cdp with ss units...
...thinking about getting a tube cd player that will be run with my ss pre-pro/amp which I use for both audio and ht. I have latest NHT classics and can be a little edgy/cool depending on audio material. I really like the sound but want a smoother/warmer midbass up. Thanks for advise.