Tube CD Players other than Jolida

I'm looking for a tube CD player that will compete with a Jolida cd100. It seems like the Jolida is the only one with tubes instead of opamps on the output circuit.

Are there any other players on the market that can compete? Is it possible to roll tubes in these other players like the Jolida?

Trying to stay under $1k for price, preowned is fine as well. Any manufacturers have an in home trial period?

If you can stretch your budget to $1,400, the Doge 6 CD player at Pacific Valve is really excellent for the money. I understand that the CDP is manufactured in the same Chinese manufacturing faciity that produces the Jolida electronics. The Doge 6 CDP uses six tubes in its output stage - four 12AX7s and a pair of 12AT7s in a shunt-regulated push-pull circuit.

I am running the Doge 6 in my SET system and have found the sound quality to be excellent - significantly better than you would ever expect in this price range. The MHZS CD players mentioned above are also imported by Pacific Valve. They are more affordable than the Doge 6 and are also said to be a step down in quality of sound (but excellent in their own right).
i was going to suggest a little budget-stretching too, after seeing a tubed Raysonic CD 128 go for $1,200 here on Audiogon. Great machine.
Thanks guys for your imput.

The one thing about the Jolida that keeps calling me is the fact that I can taylor the sound with different tubes.

The others are a bit higher priced than I can afford, $1000 is the max, unfortunitly.

I did notice the Consonance CD-120 LInear seems to be going for a decent price. Any thoughts on that player compared to the Consonance reference or Jolida or my Rotel? Can you change tubes in the CD-120 Linear?

I'm really looking for a bit more sparkle in the top end compared to my Rotel 1072.

Thanks Again!
I suggest a look at any used Exemplar 2900's that pop up.

I've owned many players, but that unit is magic for a very reasonable price!