Tube CD player and no pre-amp

I have an Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000, and decided to try not using my Bryston preamp, going directly into my Pass amp. I am amazed how much more I like it. But it is running a 20ft interconnect. Am I making a mistake?

I called Upscale Audio and they said no problem even though the input impedence of my Pass Aleph is low.

So now I want to know will trying different op-amps make a difference in my CD player? Upscale Audio is supposed to offer a kit soon, but I don't know if they sound the same.

Anyone else going "pre-ampless"?

Showing 1 response by viggen


Currently, I am using Cal Audios transport and dac. In between, they are connected to a Meridian digital preamp that attenuates the volume in digital domain. The dac then connects directly to the amp. This lacked a little bit of drive, as Hawaiikid advised, but sounds super clean and detailed. However, upgrading the powercords to the transport restored the "drive". In my case, I am using a Virtual Dynamic powercord. My system no longer begs for a preamp.