Tube CD player and no pre-amp

I have an Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000, and decided to try not using my Bryston preamp, going directly into my Pass amp. I am amazed how much more I like it. But it is running a 20ft interconnect. Am I making a mistake?

I called Upscale Audio and they said no problem even though the input impedence of my Pass Aleph is low.

So now I want to know will trying different op-amps make a difference in my CD player? Upscale Audio is supposed to offer a kit soon, but I don't know if they sound the same.

Anyone else going "pre-ampless"?

Showing 1 response by lev335

I run directly to my Mark Levinsonm 335 with a Mark Levinson 39 and it sounds amazing the 39 has an anolog volume control so when you turn the volume down it just gets softer but still has all the dynamics. If you go with a digital volume you will lose bits of information as you lower the volume Good Luck