Tube amps with Apogee Scintilla's your thoughts ?

I should receive my Apogee Scintilla's tomorrow. Just wondering what is going to happen when I throw the switch to the on position on my old VTL 300 mono's.
Will they handle it or will they expire ?
These are the original 1 ohm version. If there are any users (past or present), what kind of amps did you use on your Scintilla's ? thanks for your thoughts (prayers for the vtl's might help)

Showing 1 response by ptmconsulting

Yeah, Apogees are old and have been around for quite a few years now. Yeah, you have to buy them used and hope that they don't buzzzz on you. Yeah, they are inefficient but there are plenty of amps around these days that can handle that. Yeah, there are several installers that can update them but that can get pricey. Yeah, shipping them is a big risk since they are ribbons and fragile. Yeah, they are a PITA to set up properly.

BUT ... once you hear them you may never want to own another pair of speakers.