Tube amps - what 3 things…

Hello all,

I am close to purchasing a tube amp moving away from SS. So far I have listened to a pure sound, PL, and allnic. 

Question for all you experienced owners - if you could do it all over again, what 3 things/features would you look for in an amplifier and what 3 things/features would you not invest in again?




Showing 1 response by twhitezzz

I think there are great answers here.  OP don't be intimidated.  I have two tube amps now.  My main system is a PL Evo 400.  Nothing but good things to say about this AMP.  My second is a 'vintage' Grant Fidelity Rita - in my office and more of a hobby piece for me - would be just as happy SS there.

Piling on - I could live without the UL/Triode switching.  I stay on UL 99% of the time.  If i only had triode that would be fine too.

Auto-biasing a must for me.  I have many things to fill my time. 

I turn it on. Listen and love it.  Turn it off.  There is not stress, and limited tinkering if you don't want that.

About a year in I started getting a cracking noise out of one channel.  Pulled the tube and reseated it - problem solved (with AG community help).  A 20 minute exploration and deepened my understanding and

You can turn this into a full time rabbit hole hobby - but tubes do not need to rue your life.  

But I have a system that gives me chills, makes me laugh out loud, and is generally the most special "me time" thing in my life next to my cars.

Have fun with it.  with some modest research on amps and speakers there really are very few bad choices.