Tube Amps for Revel Salons

I'm thinking of going back to tube amps. I would either have to sell my first generation Revel Salons or find a suitablr tube amp that works well with them. I love these speakers, but they do require a certain amount of power to bring out the best in them. Anyone driving these with tubes? What do you recommend? What is the minimum power you would use? Or should I just sell them and get speakers that are more tube friendly? Thanks.
Too much money to spend and too much tubes to roll on 250+wpc tube amps. They will use at least 6 tubes per channel. Becides you will not hear best of them with any tubes.
Marakanetz, thanks for the advice. It sounds like if I want to go to tubes, I should plan on swapping speakers too.
If I loved my speakers, I would match for them an amp weather it's tube or SS. Swapping speakers just to switch to tubes isn't my bowl of soup.
VTL 450 would work or even possibly BAT 150SE I've owned both and I think they give just as much punch as solid state with lots of power. I don't think either will give the classic warm tube sound but they do sound good. If you can say for sure that you love your speakers I wouldn't switch those it is way easier to try a different amp if you are looking for a new flavor. Personally I don't think the heat and cost is worth it for tubes. There's a lot of great sounding solid state amps out there these days. What are you using now?