Tube Amps and young children - avoiding burns etc.

I would like to purchase a tube amp (either a stereo amp or monoblocks) but am afraid that my young daughter will want to touch the tubes through natural inquisativeness and will burn herself. (Young flesh burns easier than adult fresh apparently.) Then there's a good chance that her hands will be sticky/dirty and touching the tube (either hot or cold) will leave a residue that isn't conducive to proper tube performance . . .

Do you know of tube brands & models that are covered by some sort of cage, assuming that touching the cage won't burn her but touching the tubes might? The only brands that come to my mind are: VTL, Wolcott, and C-J. Are there others that I've missed and should audition/consider? I expect to purchase either stand mounted monitors or electrostatic speakers so SET amps probably won't apply and because my room is 40ft * 15ft will probably need 100 - 150watts/channel I've been told by Martin Logan head office.

I will be putting the amp in a large wooden armoir on the bottom shelf (hence accessable to small children) and will need to keep the doors open to allow for ventilation as the other 3 sides are wood (of course). The bottom shelf has about 2.5ft of clearance.

So, if you are a tube amp owner and parent of young children, please share with me your tricks at keeping them safe while allowing you the pleasures of tube sound.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by clueless


I was lucky enough to have 7 kids so when we lost two of them to the 450 volt plate voltage I barely noticed. It's kind of like one of those insect zappers only bigger. The other kids catch on real fast after that.

I remain,