Tube amps and power consumption

A few days ago, I almost bought a Jadis Orchestra, pretty confident that it was among the best tube integrated I could get. Then, I read the specs and I found out its power consumption was 300 watts. That's a lot compared to my actual amp, a SS 100 watts per chanel which uses only 70 watts. My amp is on all day long so I figured that the Jadis consumption was excessive. Do ALL tube amps have such a power consumption?

Showing 1 response by elevick

Tube amps and Class A rated amps definitely consume more power. You get what you pay for... I'll take a 300 watt consuming Jadis over a 70 watts consumption Technics any day.

Also, keep in mind that you don't want to leave a tube amp on all of the time. Output tubes are expensive to replace and when on all of the time you will be replacing them at least once a year.