Tube Amplifier & Speaker Matching?

I am planning to put an attractive stereo in a formal living room and glowing tubes looks very romantic with nice music. What are good combo of amp and speaker are recommended out there, specially with low wattage 300B types.
Not sure what your budget is but I just put together this bedroom system.

Antique Sound Lab Orchid 2A3 integrated (3.5w/ch)
Coincident Triumph UHS (94 dB, 6-8 Ohm)
Cal Audio Sigma II DAC
Marantz changer (from 10 years ago)

Excellent clarity in voice production. Not much bass control, but quite sufficient for the bedroom.

For a larger budget, you can go with Cary 300B-SEI, Audio Silver Knight and a horn based system like a pair of restored antique Klipsch Horn. I am not a big fan of horn speakers myself but no harm testing. I am also not a big fan of single dynamic driver speakers. The top end is just too rolled off for me.

If you want decent bass with 300B, you also add a sub. Use a low level cross-over in the tape loop to remove bass from the amp and send directly to sub.

Look for speakers with high impedance (>8Ohm avg with 6Ohm min) and good efficiency. (92dB min). Coincident, Reference 3A are two excellent starting point. Also check out AudioAsylum's SET and high efficient speaker forums. A lot of useful information, but the posters tend to love horn speakers.

Thanks Eric for a quick response, I will start listing speakers with high efficiency rating which may be tedious. I will be actually considering monitor types only for more optional placements. Alas, most of the carried brands locally that sounds great are of 89dB (B&W, Totems, Focus audio)or less that requires more wattage. Anybody has heard the new Paradigm S2 monitor? It is fairly new and tnere is not much on the web on it. Speaker & Integrated tube Amp budget is from U$3K-4K.
If you can only get 89 dB or so, I would stick with amp power >30 w/ch.

Also, if you are going with a bookshelves, it might be better to go with one with very little bass. Trying to get any decent bass out of speakers tend to make them difficult to drive for SET amp.

I would pretty much rule out B&W for low powered SET. EPOS and ProAc would be a better brand to go with mid-powered SET. (10-20w/ch) SET compatible speakers are not that common in my area as well. I ended up just with going by other people recommendatation and purchased over the net.
