Tube amp with Maggi 1.6?

Would love to hear your experience

Showing 1 response by lshreve

I have had 5 different pair of Magnepans over the past 20+ years and now currently have 1.6's. I have driven them with many amps both SS and tube. Let me say that I love tube amps and have several...both SET and push-pull. I have tried several larger tube amps with the 1'6's ...but keep going back to SS for these speakers. One of my favorite large tube amps that I used for some time was the Mesa Baron. It did a nice job with the Maggies and also sounded very good with several other dynamic speakers I have. It is a very flexible large tube amp and can pretty much be configured for any speakers you want to drive. I believe there are other good larger tube amps out there that one can employ, (VAC, ARC) but to get any better than the Baron you have to spend a lotta bucks.