Tube amp recommendations to drive Joseph Audio speakers

Looking for a tube amplifier to drive my Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene speakers.  Preamp in the system is an Audio Research Reference 2 Mk II, cables are full loom Zavfino.


Have been using a Pass XA25, but while detailed and clean, the sound is just a little too yin (lean) for my taste.  Want a little more tonal color, density, and bloom to the sound.


Hope to stay around $5K new or used.




Showing 1 response by alvinnir2

How much power you need of course depends on the size of your room and the listening levels you prefer. Based on a review I read of your speakers by the Part Time Audiophile, he had good results with a Class A tubed amp that output 25W per channel.

The Quicksilver mono amps suggested above run a variety of output tubes to output more power than you might really need.

Consider this alternative. I use Quicksilver Mid Mono amps. 40 Watts but can run the EL34 tubes as well as others and in my experience, the EL34 tube sounds better than the likes of KT88 or most other KT based tubes.

The tubes are biased between pentode and triode and have a good balance of the merits of both. A huge bargain, these amps bested other more expensive amps I have owned. A pair of these would be well under your price point brand new.