tube amp noise

I have an integrated tube amp and recently started noticing a small popping noise coming from the speakers once in a while. If I get near the tweeter (< 1'), I hear a background hiss and a small pop every minute or so. Most of the time, the pop sound can be only heard less than a foot or two from the tweeter. Is this normal tube amp behavior or is something wrong? I.e. do all tubes make any popping sound in addition to low level hiss? I changed tubes and still the same thing. Thanks for any help.

Showing 2 responses by plaser

Thanks for all the advices. This amp weighs 110 lbs with box so want to go over all possibilities before I take it in. For now, I think I can live with it given I have 2 more years of warranty and can take it in if it gets worse.

I don't think it's interconnect since it happens in all channels and don't think it's tubes since 2 sets (1 old 1 new) have same issues. Might be a bad socket or capacitor or fuse. Is McIntosh MA2275 easy to open up to check for capacitor or fuse? Thanks.

Ron from McIntosh recommended I remove my power conditioner and plug it straight to the wall outlet and surprisingly this seemed to have mitigated the problem noticeably. Not sure if it's the power conditioner or other components I had plugged to it, but now I just have the amp plugged in wihthout any power conditioner and the popping is less frequent and much quieter when it does happen. Pretty depressing knowing I could've saved $500 and lot of headache by not getting one.