Tube Amp Noise with Klipsch Cornwall II

I just bought a pair of Klipsch Cornwall IIs for my Rogue Cronus integrate amp to replace a pair Spendor S3/5 SEs. Wow - bigger speakers are amazing. BUT now there is hiss coming through both speakers which can be heard 10 feet away - at all settings, even with volume all the way down.
The tube set is:
4 KT77s - which Rogue had made
3 - Electro Harmonix 12AU7s
2 Sovtek 12AX7LPS

Can anyone suggest how to lower my amp noise floor so I can enjoy these speakers?

Showing 1 response by waukeag

Many thanks for all your suggestions - I am going to explore them over the next few days. Mark O'Brian has always been super friendly and helpful - but I was really interested in what my Audiogon community had to say about the amp/speaker combo. I am going to try some new tubes first. And recheck all connections. The Cronus is my first tube amp and I love it - though part of the fun of this hobby s exploring new frontiers of sound - which I am getting in spades from these Klipsch Cornwalls - the sonic leap forward is huge.