Not an enlightened suggestion on my part but it might be worthwhile to call Mark at Rogue and see if he has speciifc NOS tube suggestions, or other ideas.
Prefacing this that I have a Cronus Magnum but it is driving 89db Tylers - Rogue had installed NOS Sylvania 12ax7 and au7s when they sent me the amp; and I currently have Siemens and Tungsols via Upscale in it now - like it with either "version"
Prefacing this that I have a Cronus Magnum but it is driving 89db Tylers - Rogue had installed NOS Sylvania 12ax7 and au7s when they sent me the amp; and I currently have Siemens and Tungsols via Upscale in it now - like it with either "version"