tube amp help CJ,VAC, or VTL

I would like to upgrade my Adcom amp and would like to try out a tube unit. Considering CJ11A,VAC100, or maybe VTL. What are the characteristics of the different amps and how much improvement can I expect? I will be using an Audible L1 preamp and Spica TC60's. Suggestions?

Showing 1 response by steelhead

Listen for yourself and decide. In my estimation you will not get better "sound" and build quality for the money than Conrad Johnson can provide. I adore my Premier 11a in all aspects. I upgraded from a Hafler 500 and feel that it was a "big" improvement. If you can compare tube amps in your area, do so. I have never heard VAC, but understand it is great gear. So listen to all of the makers if you can. My premier 11a drives my Martin Logan ReQuests to fairly loud levels with no problems. Happy listening!