tube amp help CJ,VAC, or VTL

I would like to upgrade my Adcom amp and would like to try out a tube unit. Considering CJ11A,VAC100, or maybe VTL. What are the characteristics of the different amps and how much improvement can I expect? I will be using an Audible L1 preamp and Spica TC60's. Suggestions?

Showing 1 response by dako

I too upgraded from an Adcom to a CJ Premier 11 and what a difference! Sonically there is no comparison,I love tubes, although you do lose some bass punch.Another factor to consider is the type of music you listen to.I listen to mostly jazz and blues but sometimes listen to hard rock and the amp does not seem to perform as well with rock music.Biasing the tubes sometimes becomes a pain but is only a minor problem.I use my amp with a CJ amp with a CJ Premier 16LS preamp and Thiel 2.3 speakers.I would highly recommend the CJ 11A.Good luck and happy listening!!!Any questions feel free to mail me.