Tube amp heat questions...

Hi all, I recently joined the ranks of tube amp owners by adding an ARC VSi55 to my setup. Love it, and it doesn't seem to put out a ton of heat, but it's getting cooler here in Phoenix so I may feel differently next July.

I did search thoroughly through past threads to see if these questions were asked, and found some good threads about summer amps vs. winter amps, but not my specific questions:

- Is there a direct correlation between tube amp wattage per channel and heat generated, such that for example any 100wpc tube amp will always put out more heat than a 25wpc tube amp?

- If that is the case, it is because higher WPC = either more tubes and/or larger tubes?

- If that is not the case, is heat a function of tube type, such that certain 25wpc tube amps can generate more ambient heat than a 75wpc amp just because of the type of tubes it uses?

I didn't take these questions into account when purchasing the VSi55, but we may put together a 2nd system for another room and I may take this into account for that purchase. And as others have done, having a nice Class-D amp for the June-Sept period is also a possibility. Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

Bombaywalla- No offense intended to my vacuum-challenged friends here on the 'Gon. Oooops, I did it again!
I was TRYING to be nice, but I'm not very good at it! LOL. I almost said "friends don't let friends listen to solid state".

BTW, I'm sure you're right: I did hear ONE ss rig (Class D no less) in NY last April that I liked. Oh, no, I'm incorrigible. Sorry.

Like Sfar, I can't add to the technical side of this discussion but I will tell you that, IME, in my system, there are 2 extremes in tube amp heat production. Coolest running is the Berning ZH-270. Hottest are Joule OTLs using 8, 10, 12, 16 of those big ole beautiful Russian 6CC3Bs. With some trepidation to be contradicting Atmasphere, in that case, the output transformers, being absent, have nothing to do w it. Those tubes are just little furnaces; even the Almarro 318s that use only a pair can heat a room!

I suspect that those examples are outliers with good technical reasons for being so. The difference is night and day (or winter and summer). In general, I'd stick w the advice you've gotten above. But, I will say that if I lived in the south, I'd probably never have sold my ZH-270. Out of production, so hard to find, expensive ($4-5K), and not compatible w all speakers, but probably the best tube amp I can think of for your situation. A less expensive but also hard to find option might be a high eff speaker w Berning's Microzotl, which uses a pair of 6SN7s as output tubes!! In a small room at my house at the beach, that little amp sounded pretty darn impressive driving a pair of 96 dB back-loaded horns. Now my taste runs to singer-songwriter/fold/acoustic type music at moderate SPLs, but in the right circumstances, it might be option. They show up here from time to time at just under $1K; since they were primarily marketed as a headphone amp, you might have better luck looking for one on Good luck, have fun, and stay away from those nasty transistors ;-)