Tube amp for Vandersteen Treo CT?

I am deciding between a hybrid amp (PS Audio BHK 250, Aesthetix Atlas) or a tube amp(Audio Research Ref75SE?) and hoping folks with experience can help if they found tube amps that drove the CT’s well. Front end is a PS Audio Directstream (no analog) and I can add a preamp down the road if needed but initially going direct from the dac. A good friend has an Audio Research 75se and is in love with the amp after owning it a long time but not sure it has enough power to drive them. Only caveat is I have young children with curious fingers so the tubes would need to be protected from hurting them. Other amp success stories are certainly welcome. Thank you in advance. Integrateds are also fine.

Showing 1 response by jperry

In my system (I have it posted here) the Aesthetix Atlas was better IMO than the Quicksilver V-4 amplifiers. Not a direct comparison I know.

One of the biggest improvements was bass control with the Atlas. It has also been flawless in operation. Only two small signal tubes so lower maintenance.