Tube amp for KEF Reference 3s

Hi Everyone,

  Long time Audiogoner but this is my first post here.  I am looking for some suggestions regarding amplification for my KEF Reference 3s.  Currently I have a Modwright KWI 200 with built-in DAC which I like a lot, but wonder if the KEFs would benefit from a high-quality tube amp.  I would like to go for a high-end amp like a VAC or Air Tight but would prefer "testing the waters" first by trying a tube amp in my system.  I primarily listen to Tidal streamed through a Audalic Aries into the Modwright and analog through a VPI Traveler/Musical Surroundings Nova II.  I have a small listing area (my office) which is approximately 12 x 16 and I have some GIK acoustic panels in the corners and along my back wall.  If anyone has suggestions as to a "low-priced" tube amp that might give the KEFs a somewhat warmer sound I'd be willing to purchase used and then move up the chain to a higher-end amp if things work out.  Thanks in advance for your advice.

The EAR 868L is a nice line stage pre, same circuit as the $12,000 EAR 912 but without it's meters and extra controls. They go for about $3000 when available second-hand. Not as well known or owned as American brands, but EAR designer Tim Paravicini is one of the handful of most knowledgeable, talented tube circuit experts working today. The EAR 868/912 is a favorite pre of both Art Dudley (Stereophile) and Robert Levi (Positive Feedback). And myself. 
grnmtnboy77, you no doubt have a solid relationship with your dealer after buying that much gear over the years.  My comment regarding it being a challenge was in reference to my question about asking them to let you do a home trial with anything in which you have an interest.

When you demoed the Ref 3 with the VAC electronics at the store, there was obviously something that moved you enough to buy them.  That experience is not enough to get you to just go straight to the VAC integrated and bypass the trail phase?

Have you tried other tweaks to dial your system in to make it "more engaging?"  Room treatments, power cables and interconnects and speaker placement can all have a profound impact on the sound of your system. 

I'm also a set it and forget it type person, so all 5 of my tube components have auto bias.  Just be sure you have plenty of ventilation as those pretty bulbs do get quite warm.  With my one experience with VAC, I recall that it ran very hot.  It could have just been that particular amp, but it does stand out in my mind.
Thanks theothergreg.  As with most things audiophile, the decision to purchase the KEF Ref 3s was in part logical and part emotional.  I had R700s which I  liked but the Ref 3s came available as demos from my dealer about 1 year ago, and as I was traveling to southern California on business anyway, I visited him and demoed them with VAC Statement amp/preamp, Aurender server, hi-end turntable (can't remember which one) and I decided to go for it as they were a good deal and I figured I would grow into them.  He also played the system through Magico's (I think they were Ms?, which was pretty mind-blowing).  My Modwright is/was easily able to power the KEFs and overall I have been happy with the system, although I definitely need to upgrade the VPI setup which is very limited.

The reason not to dive into new VAC hardware at present is that the space where I have my setup, an office which has corner and wall treatments from GIK that I think have definitely helped the sound, is not ideal and I don't think there is much to gain with the present setup given the space limitations, exposed ceiling, windows, etc.  I have spent some time tweaking speaker placement and I think I am set with this. My interconnects and speaker cables are Nordost Red Dawn (again from my dealer).  My thought was that if I could enhance the warmth of the sound with used tube gear that this would be a relatively inexpensive way to test the water, and when in 4 years I move the system to a dedicated listening room in my home (my job is a contracted one which expires in 4 years) that would be the time to try and spend some serious money on a high end front end.   Given the way technology changes, spending north of 10k for a high end front end at present, when it can't really shine, is probably not the best way to go about this-therefore I thought a 2-3 k interim investment would be enjoyable if not the ultimate (and hopefully final) system.

I am completely with you on the auto biasing concept, which it sounds like VAC offers-not sure if there are other systems that do this.  After thinking this through, perhaps a VAC preamp, maybe used, might be a relatively inexpensive way to tweak the system and see if this is the proper direction, or if ultimately I need to stick with high-end SS gear like ML, Pass, Boulder, etc.

I am also unclear on how to go about the digital part of the setup.  Now that MQA-encoded streaming is available from Tidal, and if I bypass the pre/DAC part of my Modwright by using a tube amp, how do I deal with the streaming/DAC part of my setup?  My Auralic is simply a bridge and if I went to a tube preamp I would need to figure a way to play my digital files through another means.

If you don't mind, are you in northern or southern California?  I visit friends in the bay area and soCal every so often and would love to meet up with you if possible. Thanks for sharing your thoughts/experience with me.

grnmtnboy77, I think the strategy to go with a VAC preamp makes sense based on your situation.  For your digital, could you use Modwright as a stand alone DAC connected to the VAC inputs? 

I'm in NorCal and always happy to talk shop.
If you're in SoCal, the U.S.A. distributor of EAR-Yoshino is somewhere in Los Angeles, perhaps Santa Monica. I believe he sells as well as distributes, and may have a small showroom or at least demo room, and may be willing to play the EAR 868 for you. But don't quote me---he can be cantankerous!