tube amp for b&w signature 805

I'm currently using Classe integrated CAP 151 to drive the Sig 805s. I like the "tubed-sound" and would like to experiment with either a pre/amp combo or an integrated unit. My budget is around $3000 for new or used. How does a pure tube pre/amp combo compare to hybrid tube pre/SS amp combo?

Any help is much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by smjason

Look into a plinius 8200, although this is a solid state integrated, it has a "tubey" sound. While I had the N805s, I deffinately felt that the Plinius was the best especially when wanting a more tubelike sound out of the speakers. Also, I would suggest a used Musical Fidelity Nu Vista M3, this is a hybrid integrated which is superb, but might be overkill for the speakers, although the 805s are great, they just might not be refined enough for the MF amp. Good luck