Tube amp for Avalon Eidolon ?

I have no experience with tubes, and want to give them a try on my Avalon Eidolon (not diamonds) speakers (87 dB sensitivity, 4 ohm nominal, 3.6 ohm minimum). I'm using dCS Elgar + Purcel front end and currently not using a pre-amp, cardas neutral reference cables. I listen mostly to jazz, some classical, some rock.

Looking for suggestions on tube amp(s), preferably with balanced inputs, but not mandatory. I'm willing to spend some money, up to say $15k, and will probably try to buy used.

Thoughts and recommendations appreciated. Thanks. John.

Showing 2 responses by siddh

I agree with the previous posts regarding Atma-Sphere/Eidelon synergy. Works well in my system, but the front end, including my preamp is very musical. Ample power to drive the hugry Eidelons. I have heard great things of the Joule OTLs. The CAT monos have been in my system and I really enjoyed them. A friend presently has the CAT JL-2 with Eidelons. He's fine tuning it to a most musical system. Other options offering vast potential are the large LAMMS; some really good solid state with very musical preamps, such as Classe and Rowland with Jadis in front.

Oddly, the one time I heard Eidelons with ARC and Spectral, the results were unsatisfying. It was in an audio shop with what appeared to be a well thought out design, although a dry non-musical presentation was what I heard. Actually, had I been in the market for this speaker at the time this audition would have sent be elsewhere.
My experince with the Avalon/Atma-Sphere; or CAT; or Joule has been quite magical. These tubed amps have proven to have ample power in the systems I have heard them. I agree some tube applications may be maxed out with a speaker such as the Eidelon, but these refered to higher powered amps have extremely musical presentations with exemplary extension...competing with some fine solid state products in their realm of respectability.