1. at least it is a constant rather than a damnable intermittent problem.
2. when did this start? was it balanced before with a prior amp? With this amp before you changed the bias? this amp before you changed the tubes? did you move your speakers in/out of position? speaker wire connections checked?
3. anything else changed prior to the amp/tube/bias change? IOW, if nothing else was changed, then no need to suspect other equipment in the chain prior to amp and speakers.
4. but, even if not changed, a cable could have been inadvertently disrupted. my most recent imbalance turned out to be a cable, a very good cable, but became slightly loose on the rca input. Squeezed tight with pliers, problem gone, then replaced that pair with tight ones.
5. did you change which inputs you used on a preamp or integrated amp? gotta think that thru.
a. swap all left tubes with right tubes: problem still on left? not the tubes.
b. change speaker wires on amp, problem moves to the right, or still on the left?
c. without changing anything else, move the speakers themselves. problem still on the left? good, speakers are fine!
d. put the speaker wires back correctly l/r on the amp.
e. narrowed down to ___ possibilities?